Dirty Bomb Welcomes a New Mercenary: Turtle
We haven't heard about Dirty Bomb in a while (Splash Damage took back publishing rights from Nexon), but the game has just received a new content update introducing a new character, a new map and a new narratively-driven event.
This past weekend we played Dirty Bomb, the free to play team shooter from Nexon where players can battle it out against each other in some fast paced matches with over a dozen mercenaries, each with their own unique arsenal of skills. Fighting across changing battlefields and multi-staged...
Dirty Bomb has added a new mercenary to its roster: Redeye, a mid to long-range specialist. A new role-call video has been released showing this new character, watch it below.
Redeye features team-playing abilities that can seriously hinder the enemy’s ability to attack and defend, making...