Terra Militaris has been launched today

Gala Networks Europe has announced that Terra Militaris has been launched today. After successful Closed and Open Beta Testing and a strong reception from players, the Terra Militaris team is proud to announce that new servers are now available in all four language versions. During a community event, the players were able choose names for the new servers and the winning titles are: Tyrannus for the English version, Terra for the German version, Destiny for the French version and Eteria for the Polish version.

To celebrate this landmark, the Terra Militaris team has organised a series of events through the game’s website, official forums, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook pages. A hero race has been launched to find the first players to level a hero to 100, while a video competition and an event for solo players will run until December 10th. In addition, a Guild ranking event is taking place on the new servers between now and December 17th.

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