SoulWorker DesireWorker Update

SoulWorker DesireWorker Update
Get ready to experience power like never before, because today, publisher Gameforge and developers Lion Games are announcing a new update to their post-apocalyptic action anime MMO for PC, SoulWorker. Available in Europe and North America, the new update — titled SoulWorker: DesireWorker — will allow players to tap into new powers and awaken their dormant potential to take on enemies from the void. SoulWorker: DesireWorker introduces new districts, quests, skins, weapons, login rewards, additional story content, a ranked mode, and a spooky Halloween event, all coming together in a flurry of high-octane battles!
SoulWorker: DesireWorker features a wide array of exciting new features:
• Awakening of Desire: Empowered by emotions, SoulWorkers are defenders of humanity who have been molded by a desolate past, allowing their tormented souls to manifest themselves as weapons. These weapons remain as the heroes’ trusty allies in the struggle against the savage demons infiltrating their world. With the new update, every playable character can awaken their innermost desires, allowing players to unlock their new forms and abilities which they can use to help surpass their limits and overcome even the strongest opponents in their fight for humanity.
• A Burst of Power: By destroying enemies in a maze, players can activate the new SinForce Explosion ability to tap into their special powers which stem from their desire. By activating this special ability, players can perform unique attacks and increase the power of their existing skills. Skills affected by SinForce will be labeled in the Skill menu with red highlights and icons with purple borders.

• New Solo District & Ranked Mode — Viilor’s Altar: Players will be able to unlock the SinWorker quest series by overcoming the challenges of this new district, which also offers a ranked mode to test their resolve. Players can seek out Yorhaka in the Grasscover Camp in Dipluce Horizon to claim a ticket and get started.
• Quest for Desire: Players will be able to start the new quest series once they have completed the district or quest series mentioned above, unlocked the first two Nova skills, and reached level 65. The quest can be found in the Grasscover Camp where players will meet Tenebris, who will assign them the SinWorker quest. Following the quest, the new skill **SinForce Explosion** will replace their second Nova skill.
• The Story Continues with the “Records of the Corrupt” District: The sequel to "Records of the Corrupt" arrives in SoulWorker for players level 60 and above. They can now experience the memories of Erwin and Haru to learn about the circumstances that made them the heroes they are today. The solo district will be available upon completion of the main quest "According to Plan”, with new episodes of the new district accessible via a warp item from the NPC "Dirty Shelf" at Grasscover Camp. The warp-item of the 5th episode can only be acquired once per day.
• New Player Skins: SinWorker Outfits: Players will be able to complete a special quest series to claim the components for the SinWorker outfits as a reward. After acquiring and equipping these new appearances, players will be able to access a new voice for their SinWorker to use during combat which includes new voice-over lines!
• New Halloween Event – Greetings from the Void: Dozens of pumpkins, also known as Pumpkin Spirits, are causing mischief in districts and raids! Fortunately, the Grutin-o-Mat loves to eat them and will trade them with players for Halloween coins, which will give them the ability to acquire weapon skins. Until the server maintenance for the next update, players have the chance to get mysteriously glowing weapon skins.
• Halloween Login Rewards: During the event period, players will receive, among other things, Lil’ Pumpkin Spirits when they log in. These can be planted in players’ gardens and harvested for Pumpkin Seeds when they become ripe. Pumpkin Seeds can be exchanged for Halloween Coins at the Grutin-o-Mat.
SoulWorker is an anime-style third-person action MMORPG for PC from Lion Games. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, players take on the role of a SoulWorker, who are chosen as one of humanity’s saviors. Over 100 PvE districts and episode bosses await the young heroes, and after battling through the AI, guilds and players can then face one another in the extensive PvP zone. A unique emotion system with moods such as vengeance, madness, euphoria, or sadness defines each of the characters’ abilities. Concentrating on these feelings activates abilities that boost effects for defense or attacks while using class-specific weapons.
SoulWorker is available for Windows PC via the official Gameforge portal and Steam in English, French, and German with servers available in each language.
Source: Gameforge - SoulWorker