Rage War Christmas Event

Get ready for Christmas with Rage War!

Sofia 18.2017
XS Software and RageWarprepared one some nice updates for the upcoming Christmas.
From the 18th of December is a brand new building available in game, the Santa House. It brings great benefits for all level players, and it’s the first building at all in the game with variable amount, depending on the player era!
The amounts are as followed:
1st era – 48 culture
2nd - 120
3rd - 300
4th - 750
5th - 1875
6th – 4688

Also there are two new avatars available for christams.

The angry Raindear and the Cannon santa! Enjoy the game now with this great Christmas atmothsphere and a free big christmas tree for your village.
You can purchase the new buildinig with your resources and the two new avarats are free.

This is now all, there is a huge bundale as special promothion available for you during the christams time, starting today till the end of the year! This is the best offer you can get in Rage War to bring your city on top! Play RageWar - RW.

Source: XS Software - RageWar