Next Major Content Update for War Thunder
Gaijin has announced the next major update for War Thunder. Currently in development and set to be released by the end of the year, Steel Generals (that's the codename), will serve as the official launch of US WWII tanks adding to the stockpile of ground forces as well as new tools for the creation and management of in-game tournaments, live streaming and dramatically
improved spectator modes.
Steel Generals pays homage to the US military’s tradition of naming tanks after famous battle-tested generals such as General William Sherman (M4 Sherman) and General John J. Pershing (M26 Pershing). Steel Generals will add 30 earth-rattling, battle-tested steel tanks to Ground Forces’ already historic line-up of WWII tanks from world powers including the Soviet army and Germany
The Steel Generals update will also introduce a plethora of new planes.
Check out the teaser trailer: