MMO Games & News episode 4: Do the MOBA style

We proudly present the 4th episode of MMO Games & News, hosted by our very own video game nymph, Mintchip. Let's have a look at the video and at the top news of the past week!
Here there are the links to the news Mint is talking about in the video:
- Infinite Crisis: Official announcement
- Merc Elite: Official announcement and first screens
- Navy Field 2: closed beta and exclusive giveaway
- Defiance: exclusive videos
- SWTOR: New expansion
- Wildstar: Player Housing and more
2 Comments - "MMO Games & News episode 4: Do the MOBA style"
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good vid, i liked it… its a great change fom the fake gammer ,with a lot of make up , big boobs girls from mmobomb…
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