Free Premium items available now in Allods Online

Allods Online becomes more Free-to-Play than ever with the release of its second expansion, Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor, and today’s patch that will be available tonight. From now on, all players will have access to new, easy-to-complete daily quests which offer a variety of premium rewards to assist them in their adventure.
In order to celebrate the addition of these new quests that elevate Allods Online’s Free-to-Play status to unprecedented heights, every existing character on the European servers will receive a free in-game gift in their mailbox, provided they log in to the game within the next 30 days.

“The Captain’s Letter of Marque doubles any character’s experience for a specific period of time, the 5 Phylacteries of Passage guarantees no penalties if a player’s character dies in battle and the Small Cone of Incense provides 24 hours of powerful blessing, increasing a character’s power on the battlefield.”

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