First Look at Rising Cities

First Look at Rising Cities


A new episode in our First Look series. This time we took a little time to sit down and try out Bigpoint’s city building MMO, Rising Cities; the game has been kicking around for a few years now and offers up a casual strategy based gameplay; a is a mix of Farmville and SimCity, following the same type of gameplay as some of the developers other titles. The game is, as ever, completely browser-based and offers a fun and colourful gameplay experience for players of all age ranges with both a simple interface and basic gameplay functionality.

For our First Look we played the game to get an idea of just what it offered in comparison to other games that sit within a similar genre and to see whether after two years since the release the game was offering anything new or simply providing a familiar experience that whilst a tried and tested road to success can also mean a game being overshadowed with thoughts that it is just a clone of other titles. Check out our video to see our thoughts and some early gameplay.


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