Farmerama Fire and Brimstone

Farmerama free-to-play Farm MMO Game by BigPoint offer you Fire and Brimstone Event, from October 20th to October 26th.
Mephi is all out of his beloved Hot Lava Sauce! Help the poor Weasel of Darkness and win spicy rewards with no strings attached – Demon Tokens for the Wicked Waters event included!
Plant plenty of Recipe Shrubberries and collect as much Brimstone as you can to produce Hot Lava Sauce during FARMERAMA’s Fire and Brimstone event!

Farmerama is a 2D free-to-play Browser-Based MMO game, that gives you control of your own farm, animals and gardens. Farmerama places you into the role of a farmer. You must take care for animals such as rabbits, cows, chickens and pigs. You must also manage your crops, lands, and gardens.
Farmerama you can play in your browser, you do not require a large download and can begin playing within minutes. With browser based gameplay, Farmerama is a game you can play anytime, anywhere! Sign up and build the farm of your dreams without all the smells, dirt, and hard work!
Theres a farmhouse, barn, mill, water tower and manure pile on this field for you to use. Breathe in the fresh country air and starting farming. Theres lots of work to be done and no time to rest! Your field is divided into a grid. On this grid, you can farm your land, plant trees or raise animals (see Livestock for more info about animals).
The farmhouse
Customers swing by the old farmhouse every once in awhile to order goods from you. The more orders you accept, the more delivery points you will rack up. Delivery points will create a constant flow of customers who will want to buy your homegrown veggies, fruit and meat.
The barn
Everything you produce on your farm is stored in your barn. As soon as youve harvested or mixed animal feed, youll be able to see your goods in the barn. You can also see how many animals you have here. Every farmer only has one barn in Farmerama. Although this building cant be expanded, you can store as many items as you want here, because itll never fill up.
The mill
Animals also get hungry. As soon as youve put a roof over their head, mix some feed in the mill for them to eat. Just remember, animals can be picky. For every animal, youll have to mix a different kind of feed which can sometimes be made up of one or two types of plants. Your animals cant feed directly off your produce, their food must be mixed at the mill. You can only mix feed for those animals youve built housing for on your farm. It will take a certain amount of time to make feed. You can only produce one kind of feed at a time.
The water tower
You have a water tower on your farm in order to provide your plants and animals with water. The water tower can only hold a certain amount of water. Once youve used up its supply of water, you can refill it with Country coins. The water tower cant be moved. If you need more water, you can also buy additional water tanks and put it wherever you want on your farm.
The manure pile
Aint no doubt about it, the manure pile is one stinky place. But you need fertilizer for your fields so that theyll grow and prosper. Fertilized fields can also withstand bad weather better. Keep an eye on your manure pile and make sure that you dont run out of fertilizer. Youll have to clean out your animals stalls and pens on a regular basis, so this shouldnt be a problem. Do your part to keep nature in balance!
More information about Farmerama here on
Source: BigPoint - Farmerama Farm MMO Game.