F2PMeter: Is Battlestar Galactica Online Truly Free to Play?

In Battlestar Galactica Online players can duke it out as either the Human Colonials or the alien Cylons, battling for territory, resources and survival. Developed by Bigpoint, this browser free to play title revolves around the lore established in the Battlestar Galactica TV show and provides a story-driven space shooter MMO.
As we put it through our F2PMeter and ask a bunch of questions, we’ll find out just how free to play the game really is!
Does the game require an initial purchase?
Players do not have to pay to download the game,
Does the game require any continued paid subscription?
Subscriptions are not supported.
Does the game require spending money on DLC packs or expansions?
All expansions and content updates are patched without purchasing DLC.
Does the game support micro-transactions? Can anything be purchased in-game using real world money?
'Yes' takes away 5%
From the game client launcher and linked from in the game players purchase Cubits premium currency for their accounts. There is also the option to buy 30 Day Boosters that grant increased acquisition of Merits, which are normally earned through in-game events like PVP.
Do any of the micro-transactions give players an advantages?
'Yes' takes away 15%
All manner of equipment and consumables can be purchased with Cubits and Merits, in many cases only one of these types of premium currency can be used to purchase an item. Whilst both premium currencies can be earned in part through gameplay, the cost on some items, or the regularity that consumable ammo is needed, means it becomes more of a cash shop.
Is the user interface customization restricted to paid options?
The game has no customization for UI.
Does the game give access to all available classes and/or races?
Upon joining the game players can join the Colonials or the Cylon.
Does the game require have limitations to how the 'Auction House' /Market/Trade system is accessed?
The game does not allow trading of any kind, for paying or free accounts.
Are personal inventory and/or bank slots limited at all?
Far from it, players have infinite space to store their items in the Locker, which is free to all players.
Are all dungeons and zones accessible without purchases?
Players can access all areas within the game for free
Does the game restrict high endgame content (PVE, Raids or PvP)?
All end-game content can be freely enjoyed.
Can the game be fully enjoyed without ever having to spend a ‘penny’?
'Yes' adds 10%
Whilst the premium elements can create some definite imbalance at higher levels, overall the gameplay can be enjoyed without paying any cash. The game has an extensive story driven RPG element and so players can enjoy all the story content for free.