Exclusive giveaway for World of Tanks that includes a free tank, one day premium and 300 golds

Today F2P.com begins this exclusive promocion for World of Tanks of 2 free tanks (M3 Stuart and a Pz S35) + 1 day of premium account + 300 golds!! ( Only for EU and NA servers)
To get your tank you only have to follow this link and press the "Play" button to register the new account and fill in all the necessary information, type the code you have received in the field "Invite code". Validate your account by replying to the confirmation letter sent to your e-mail and Download and install the game client.
And finally launch World of Tanks and enjoy your bonus content.
M3 Stuart Info: The first US light tank that saw extensive service in WWII. The M3 Stuart has reasonable armor for its class and the upgraded 37mm guns are fast and accurate. Speed and stealth are the keys to survival for light tanks and the M3 excels in both.
Pz S35 Info: Captured French cavalry tank built from 1936 to 1940. Being a relatively agile medium-weight tank, superior in armor and armament to both its French and foreign competitors it proved its worth on WWII battlegrounds.
* The invite code is valid only for the registration of new World of Tanks accounts and cannot be used for existing accounts. The Invite code is single-use only.
**The invite code is valid for EU and NA servers