Echo of Soul Phoenix Free Starter Pack

Echo of Soul Phoenix Free Starter Pack Giveaway
Gamigo publisher for Echo of Soul Phoenix now with offer you this giveaway for the new users to win these Free Rewards, enjoy the EOS and Welcome Pack in-game items.
About Echo of Soul:
Echo of Soul Phoenix (Eos) is a Free to play MMORPG, developed by Nvius for (Aeria Games) now Gamigo. A devastating war between the Gods and the Giants near destroyed the world itself, the Giant King Ymir was defeated but his blood manifested into an entity known as the Shadow Soul that seeks to destroy the World Tree and all Creation. In EoS Phoenix players are Soulkeepers, the chosen heroes of the Gods charged with seeking out this evil and destroying it for good. This fantasy MMORPG has strong elements of PvP, PvE, Dungeons, Crafting and quest based content and is completely free to play.
This special pack contains the following items:
EOS Welcome Pack
• Bronze Griffon; The Bronze Griffon will give you Move SPD +8%.
• Junior Promethean - 30 Days; Get the Junior Promethean - 30 Days (Normal). The Pet will automatical loot for you after summoning.
• Beginner's Pack (NT);Contains a variety of useful items for beginners. Contains Novice Soulkeeper Ring x2, Enhancement Stone x3, 12-Slot Bag x1, Friggard's Blessing x3, Njord's Blessing x3, Edun's Blessing x3, Server Loudspeaker x5, and Novice Soulkeeper's Gear Pack x1. The items in this pack are untradeable. Requires 9 empty slots in your bag.

Follow the instructions to get your key;
Step 1. Never miss a giveaway by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
And Follow us in Instagram Instagram
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button). You can only sign up once for this giveaway. If it's the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Head to Echo of Soul Phoenix in order to create a new account, and login in to the EoS, this codes only will work if you use the link you see on this step.
Step 4. After login in to the game go to Echo of Soul Phoenix redeem page, and follow the instructions.
Gift Code Coupons for Echo of Soul Phoenix here on and more other games.
the captcha isn’t working for eos. I can’t download the game from this page:
I’m trying to get the starter pack since I lost my job and am taking care of two kids and a sick wife. I can’t spend money like I normally would have had I not been unemployed. Is this link inactive? It says my email isn’t valid. I’ve tried it three times in different ways and it’s a no go. Please advise.
Hi Richard, we blocked some email looks not real if you use maybe in the email we see on the comment no vowel appears in the email, try with some other email, if not please send us a private message on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook please.
But for create a account and download the game “Echo of Soul” you must to go to this link