Call of Roma

Call of Roma

R2Games has announced the release of Call Of Roma, the new version of a browser game previously known as Caesary. This new version brings new features, NPC, items and equipment.

Call of Roma screenshot 3

"Call Of Roma is a great city building game that lets you in control of your own ancient city with a Romanesque style theme. The basic goals are to build structures for your citizens and other buildings that enable you to develop an army. This is no easy task and it's a constant struggle to keep the balance between accumulation of resources and expansion of army. You need strategy, alliance, micro management of resources, manage population and commerce of your city. The new updates will greatly enhance the experience of veteran players."

Call of Roma screenshot 2Call of Roma screenshot 1

Call of Roma is a Free to Play Browser RTS Game, The HTML5 version is coming soon!

Call Of Roma is a great city building game that lets you in control of your own ancient city with a Romanesque style theme. The basic goals are to build structures for your citizens and other buildings that enable you to develop an army. This is no easy task and it’s a constant struggle to keep the balance between accumulation of resources and expansion of army. You need strategy, alliance, micro management of resources, manage population and commerce of your city. The new updates will greatly enhance the experience of veteran players.

Source of information: MMO51 press release / R2Games

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4 Comments - "Call of Roma"

  1. sintos September 15, 2014 at 6:41 PM -

    why can i not log in to mmo51

  2. sintos September 15, 2014 at 7:00 PM -

    can some one please sort mmo51 out please so i can log in

  3. jon January 22, 2022 at 2:14 AM -

    mmo51 died years ago. was hit with a denial of service attack. Don’t know why they list it here

  4. Administrator January 27, 2022 at 11:09 AM -

    Hi Jon mmo51 died yes but now Call of Roma II is open on R2Games, then you can play the new version of the game here

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