Call of War Free Starter Pack

Bytro Labs and with Call of War World War II offer this Free Starter Pack 4 th July to our users create a new account with our link (PC, Android and iOS version) and win 31 days High Command Account and 25.000 Goldmark for FREE, value 15€ / 15$ will end on July 15th.
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Step 2. Head to Call of War for PC, For iOS Call of War iOS and for Android users go to Call of War Android in order to signup.
Call of War, also known as 1942: Call of War World War II, is a free-to-play cross-platform multiplayer strategy game developed by Bytro Labs where players can command forces and fight in battles of World War II. In Call of War it is the year 1942 and the world is full of conflict. The most powerful nations in the world are warring with each other and need a leader, which is where you come in, you can play on PC, iOS, Android, ...
Here on all the news, updates, events and giveaways for Call of War World War II and all the other MMO Free-to-Play Games here on