TOP 10 Free MMORPG 2017

Our selection of the best free to play MMORPG. A Top 10 with the best free massively multiplayer online role-playing games, titles that usually share several features: a persistent world, social interaction and character progression.

october Top 10

Our list with the best ten free MMORPGs of October 2017. This Month TERA claims the top of the list with the release of a new expansion. RIFT and Revelation Online also released a new update. Let us know what you think about it with a comment below.

 # 10  Neverwinter

Neverwinter Neverwinter

Neverwinter is a free-to-play action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Epic stories, action combat and classic roleplaying await those heroes courageous enough to enter the fantastic world of Neverwinter. Explore and defend one of the most beloved cities from the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms Campaign setting as it rises from the ashes of destruction. This immersive MMORPG will take players from the besieged walls of the city to subterranean passageways in search of forgotten secrets and lost treasure.

 # 9  Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends
Secret World Legends Secret World Legends

Secret World Legends is a free to play Action RPG where players take on the role as agents of powerful factions battling against various evils, myths and supernatural enemies. With three available factions and multiple classes, players create their own character and explore a huge modern day world under threat in this story focused, quest-based title. The game is feature packed with a re-vamped combat system, weapon customization, PVE content, exploration and PVP. A relaunched/updated version of the previous The Secret World MMORPG, Legends offers updates animations, graphics, combat and various other features.

 # 8  Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul
Blade & Soul Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul is an Asian martial arts adventure MMORPG set in a world crafted from myths and legends where players will embark on an epic journey of self-discovery, intense training and revenge! It is a story of good versus evil, of warring factions and gods and the journey of bringing honour to your clan.

 # 7  Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online
Star Trek Online Star Trek Online

Based in the Star Trek universe this free to play massively multiplayer online role-playing game gives players the chance to captain their own customisable ship and join either the Klingon Empire of the Federation. Flying through space, board friendly and hostile ships and been down to planets and explore the alien terrain, as well is taking advantage of the powerful Forge system where players are able to create their own content and quests.

 # 6  Echo of Soul

Echo of Soul
Echo of Soul Echo of Soul

Echo of Soul is completely free to play and sends players on an exciting journey through a fantasy world as a Soulkeeper seeking out corrupt souls and looking to vanquish malign spirits that threaten the world. With elements of PvP, PvE, Questing and Crafting the game is filled with features to please all types of players.

 # 5  EVE Online

EVE Online
EVE Online EVE Online

EVE Online is a sci-fi themed MMORPG where players fight in the distant future for control of the galaxy of New Eden as part of one of the major rivalling factions of the region. Players can level up, acquire resources, craft or purchase new ships and fully upgrade them with items to best suit their playstyle, whatever that may be, as EVE Online offers a full sandbox experience where players can play the type of role they wish to and engage in their preferred types of features whether resource gathering, crafting, or battling in Faction Warfare. The game offers a free to play account version as well as a subscription based model, allowing players to test out the main gameplay of the title before committing to a sub and accessing all of the game’s features.

 # 4  Elsword

Elsword Elsword

An action packed MMO with an smooth combat and simple-to-use controls, racked up in a unique graphical style. Play the parts of Elsword and companions as you journey through your adventure tackling quests along the way and witnessing the growth of your character from would-be hero to legend.

 # 3  Revelation Online

Revelation Online
Revelation Online Revelation Online

Revelation Online is a fantasy-themed free to play MMORPG that takes players to a realm of magic in which, as heroes, they’ll have to fight the rising evil. It features many staples of the MMORPG genre: PVE (Dungeons, Raids), PVP (guild wars, mass combat, battlegrounds), questing, crafting and more, adding its own unique spin on various mechanics.

 # 2  RIFT


In Rift: Planes of Telara players band together as heroes fighting off a planar invasion entering the world through a magical rift, which is slowly tearing the world apart. Play with thousands of other players in this action packed, free to play MMORPG.

 # 1  TERA


Tera (short for The Exiled Realm of Arborea) is a completely free to play fantasy MMORPG set in a land created from the bodies of two mighty Titans, from which races bloomed, empires rose and mighty kingdoms flourished. In this in-depth MMO RPG players are able to personally control the player a con and have an effect on the world environment.

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14 Comments - "TOP 10 Free MMORPG 2017"

  1. GrumpyOldGamer September 22, 2017 at 12:03 AM -

    Problem with this list is that Path of Exiles is not an MMORPG, as it is completely void of any MMO feature.

    Yes, a lot of people do play the game on a daily basis, but even so, that is not enough to label it as an MMO or MMORPG.

    Neverwinter is also a prime example of a lobby and instanced based online game that claims to be an MMORPG even though it lacks most of the main features of an MMORPG.

    An MMORPG is not defined by how many people that plays the game. It is defined by how many people are able to interact with each other in the same open, world.

    An online game can be considered an MMO ONLY when each server can hold hundreds or thousands of players at the same time, capable of interacting with each other and the game world itself by way of grouping up with people you find out in the open world etc.

    Neither of those two games are capable of doing just that.

    Said games are just online multiplayer games. Nothing more, nothing less.

    But are they MMORPGs? No. Far from it.

    Debates on this topic have split the communities, but most people in general agree that games such as Path of Exiles (Basically a Diablo 2/3 clone), or Neverwinter Online, are not MMORPGs and will never be MMORPGS, for the reasons i mentioned above.

    MMORPGs are games like World of Warcraft, TERA Online, just to name a couple.

    I’ve been playing games since the late 70s and i’ve seen the start of the mmorpg era with games such as Avalon and the first ever full 3D MMORPG Meridian 59.

    Some people today believe that terms change, for different games.

    While this may be true, the genre never changes, NEVER.

    Which brings me to this point.

    Terms can be misused. Calling a game, an MMORPG simply because it has a lot of people playing it world wide, is misusing the term FOR the genre.

    Misusing the genre is when game developers uses the genre term as a sales pitch, which is also why a lot of newer generations of gamers believe that even some single player games are MMORPGs these days (Games made in RPGMaker etc), or that games such as ARK Survival Evolved are MMORPGs.

    There used to be a time, well, not really that long ago, but about 6 years ago, when people were still using the term correctly for the correct genres.

    These days, the term is being put into other games that have nothing to do with the genre whatsoever. Games such as Path of Exiles, Neverwinter Online, Continent of 9th and so on. Basically lobby/group based online games.

    I also want to add that i have studied the evolution of gaming and technology for the past 20 years, which is also why i am so passionate, about telling people (Younger generations in particular) not to misuse these terms and put it to use for games that are as far from the correct genre as they can get.

  2. METALLIAN September 29, 2017 at 12:13 AM -

    Well said, Grumpy. I agree with you 101%.
    The misuse of terms is truly getting out of hand. Back when I was coming up in the MMORPG scene, everyone was upfront in their determination of what is considered an MMORPG, where the actual capability of interaction with others was blatantly obvious. Games like FFXI, WoW and EQ, just to name a few. I’m sick of looking up a game I MIGHT want to play, find something listed under the genre I’m interested in and then find that either through description of a demonstration on Youtube, that the genre it’s listed under is absolute bullshit. I now play ArcheAge and Star Trek Online, two games that are absolutely, positively MMORPG.

  3. shaldor September 29, 2017 at 4:04 PM -

    Neverwinter is a MMO. Its running on the same engine as Champions and Star Trek Online.

    Its not the old neverwinter knights game placed online.

  4. Emre October 2, 2017 at 6:56 PM -

    I belive Neverwinter is a MMORPG and calling is not just being ignorant. Open world or instenced doesnt change anything you can still do same stuff when you go in Neverwinter zones,these zones are massive in size and usualy has better grafical details then open worlds and many people in it doing questing togather or can even do quests togather even without grouping up.As a plus factor Neverwinter has special instenced quests addition to the zone quests which you can enjoy lore and action whitout anyone else butt in to it.

    Neverwinter has every aspect of a MMORPG in it. Open world or instenced world desing is tecnical preference of game developers and obsolutly nothing to do with in game content.

  5. JASON October 22, 2017 at 3:56 AM -

    @emre Neverwinter is an mmoArpg , story interface and subtle environmental immersion have been sacked for flashy effects and console controllers. the interpretation of rpg has morphed somewhat over the years… very little RP left in many titles

  6. Kings Gambit November 1, 2017 at 12:00 PM -

    Grumpy is absolutely correct. Having actually looked for the definition online after this debate instead of trying to pretend to know something I wasn’t certain of and calling people ignorant )you know, like a certain sad little critter in the comments) Neverwinter IS an mmorpg, in that he is mistaken, but his main point is still accurate. My main concern personally, is Elsword. It has long pitched its self as an mmo, but nothing about it’s mechanics is an mmo. Limit of 15 people per area. No large scale cooperative servers. The main issue being some very techy stuff concerning how the game operates.

    At any rate, I said my piece, I’m off to look for a top 10 list that is better put together than this bilge >.<

  7. Logical Gamer November 13, 2017 at 6:18 PM -

    The game is massive, it’s online, and it’s multiplayer, it’s also a role playing game. MMORPG
    Get over the fact that mmo’s come in different forms and just play em.

  8. James Morrison November 14, 2017 at 12:58 PM -

    GrumpyOldGamer…”An MMORPG is not defined by how many people that plays the game”

    and I always thought MMO stood for massive multi-player online. who knew LOLOL

  9. Get over it December 11, 2017 at 2:51 PM -

    Call them MORPG then, Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game and leave the Massive out of it and stop bitching about crap like this. If I can role play while playing online with others (doesn’t matter how many players there are) I’ll call it an MMORPG as many times as I want.

  10. Lumpy January 6, 2018 at 4:38 PM -

    The “Massive” in MMO means triple digit numbers worth of people (or more) all on the same server/ in the same instance/ in the same game world. Capabvle of interacting with said world, and each other at the same time. Perfect case Guild Wars vs. Guild Wars 2. Both are instanced. The original game has a max of 8 people in your party with very few exceptions. And each instance is just for that team. Guild Wars 2 still instanced. Each map is an instance that can support hundreds of players. Their WvWvW maps can support 500, and I believe their open world pve maps support around have that. NeverWinter is a hub town with portals to 50 player supporting instances. And before anybody says 50 is good enough to be considered “Massive” keep in mind that fps from 2 decades ago could support almost the same amount of players

  11. truth January 22, 2018 at 2:19 PM -

    dead site

  12. thatperson February 21, 2018 at 1:36 AM -

    Strikingly ridiculous that people keep saying neverwinter isnt an mmo and path of exile isnt an mmo.. it means massively multiplayer online.. which is what they are..

  13. GrumpyOldGamer March 11, 2018 at 7:24 PM -

    @thatperson : You are completely wrong.

    In the definition of MMORPGS, massive means hundreds to thousands of players, playing in the same instance, not spread across multiple instances or lobbies where they can’t interact with each other through anything but a simple chat.

    World of Warcraft is THE best example of an MMORPG and the correct use of the term.

    Neverwinter Online is an Online Co-op ARPG at best.

    The main city is a player hub. Sure, you might find upwards to 25+ players there at any given time, but massive? No, not at all.

    Massive in scope? Well, let me break it down for you.

    In Neverwinter Online, every zone is an instance. Not an open world.

    You have to enter instances to do quests for the most part.

    Massive? Riiight.

    Using your logic (or lack thereof) every game ever developed is an MMORPG as long as it has an online component, which you know sounds ridiculous.

    Path of Exiles is not massive in any sense of the word. It is the same type of game as Diablo and that game is not an MMO either, which Blizzard also stated on their forums years ago when an ignorant forum poster claimed that it is an mmorpg. At least Blizzard knows what they’re talking about, having been developing games for well over 20 years, compared to these asian developers who misuse the genres in every single game they make over there.

    Path of Exiles is an online isometric hack’n slash co-op ARPG.

    As i mentioned in my first post (which was last year), i have studied the evolution of gaming and technology for the past 20 years (well 21 now), and you come here, talking as if you even know what you’re talking about? How long have you been gaming? 3-4 years? 6 at most?

    I’m 40 and have a bachelor degree in gaming design. What do you have to show for?


    @James Morrison 14/11/2017 at 12:58 –
    GrumpyOldGamer…”An MMORPG is not defined by how many people that plays the game”

    and I always thought MMO stood for massive multi-player online.”

    It does, but you probably didn’t read my original post, which you should have, but i guess the youth of today can’t be bothered getting enlightened by anyone but YouPubes and Twitchscreamers etc and swallow ever word they say.

    MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online. This is true, but the DEFINITION is what i was talking about, not the meaning of the acronym being used.

    The genre MMORPG is not defined by how many people play the game at the same time, but how many that plays in the same single persistant open world.


  14. HillAddison May 27, 2019 at 6:46 PM -


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