TOP 10 Free MMORPG 2016

Our selection of the best free to play MMORPG. A Top 10 with the best massively multiplayer online role-playing games, titles that usually share several features: a persistent world, social interaction and character progression.

Top 10 2016

Top 10 2016

Our list with the top 10 best free-to-play MMORPG of 2016. After a year full of updates, TERA claims the first place on our list. Blade & Soul follows close behind and ArcheAge gets the third place with the release of its latest expansion. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

 # 10  Weapons of Mythology

Weapons of Mythology
Weapons of Mythology Weapons of Mythology

Weapons of Mythology: New Age provides a full 3D MMORPG complete with classic questing, combat and customization features as players advance through the game as a hero of the realm battling against rising evils and rival Clans. The game is completely free to play and provides solo and team based co-op content.

 # 9  Fiesta Online

Fiesta Online
Fiesta Online Fiesta Online

Fiesta Online is a 3D free to play MMORPG with more than 2 Million players worldwide.

 # 8  HeroWarz

HeroWarz HeroWarz

HeroWarz sees players step into the shoes of pre-made characters in a battle to try and recover dark shards granting all manners of bad guys unbelievable powers, as well as recovering a girl who may accidentally dream the end of the world into reality. Able to play through different characters with their own playstyles and abilities the game focuses primarily on PVE content but enables PVP through MOBA style gameplay.

 # 7  EVE Online

EVE Online
EVE Online EVE Online

EVE Online is a sci-fi themed MMORPG where players fight in the distant future for control of the galaxy of New Eden as part of one of the major rivalling factions of the region. Players can level up, acquire resources, craft or purchase new ships and fully upgrade them with items to best suit their playstyle, whatever that may be, as EVE Online offers a full sandbox experience where players can play the type of role they wish to and engage in their preferred types of features whether resource gathering, crafting, or battling in Faction Warfare. The game offers a free to play account version as well as a subscription based model, allowing players to test out the main gameplay of the title before committing to a sub and accessing all of the game’s features.

 # 6  Skyforge

Skyforge Skyforge

Skyforge is a free to play sci-fi meets fantasy MMO RPG set in a unique universe where players take on the role of immortals and can progress to becoming gods themselves. Developed by Obidian Entertainment (South Park: The Stick of Truth, Fallout: New Vegas) and Allods Team (Allods Online) the game promises to be an action packed hit that tries to redefine the MMO RPG genre.

 # 5  Neverwinter

Neverwinter Neverwinter

Neverwinter is a free-to-play action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Epic stories, action combat and classic roleplaying await those heroes courageous enough to enter the fantastic world of Neverwinter.

 # 4  Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icarus
Riders of Icarus Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icarus is a free to play theme-park style MMORPG set in a fantasy world where players will ultimately become legendary Riders, those who can ride flying mounts and save the world from the dangers of a rising legion of evil. With a number of features traditional to MMORPGs and some unique elements the game boasts a well written storyline and beautiful graphics made on the Crytek engine.

 # 3  ArcheAge

ArcheAge ArcheAge

A free to play MMORPG ArcheAge is a free to play sandbox MMORPG with a huge open world were players live, work, fight and trade. With high levels of PVE, PVP, Crafting and Trading, players can focus on a type of gameplay that they prefer and band together with other players to share their favourite pursuits.

 # 2  Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul
Blade & Soul Blade & Soul

Blade & Soul is an Asian martial arts adventure MMORPG set in a world crafted from myths and legends where players will embark on an epic journey of self-discovery, intense training and revenge! It is a story of good versus evil, of warring factions and gods and the journey of bringing honour to your clan.

 # 1  TERA


Tera (short for The Exiled Realm of Arborea) is a completely free to play fantasy MMORPG set in a land created from the bodies of two mighty Titans, from which races bloomed, empires rose and mighty kingdoms flourished. In this in-depth MMO RPG players are able to personally control the player a con and have an effect on the world environment.

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41 Comments - "TOP 10 Free MMORPG 2016"

  1. nek January 30, 2016 at 8:47 AM -

    This Shit on 1 place? LuuuL

  2. mila February 1, 2016 at 7:27 PM -

    the Hex should not be here. i tried… 1 hour took just tutorial. after that i went compaign. well, another 1,5 hour and i deleted it. its like a 3d chess. no one needs that chess, cos can play normal, real-life chess.

  3. mila February 1, 2016 at 7:34 PM -

    they could make Hex browser game and portable… then maybe they will have some profit.

  4. mila February 1, 2016 at 7:39 PM -

    and i dont see any good game in list. and they all are similar to each other. play one and you dont need to try another. where all sci-fi games? no any good? only fantasy…

  5. Alethio February 2, 2016 at 9:57 AM -

    Sci-fi games like which one, Mila?

  6. Luxus420 February 3, 2016 at 9:15 PM -

    So Swordsman, Forsaken World, and Cabal 2 are better than Aion and Tera? Really? Cabal 2? lmao

  7. Jack February 4, 2016 at 9:40 AM -

    This games are better then Wildstar, are you kidding?

  8. Javelin Fangz February 6, 2016 at 4:11 PM -

    Wait, where the heck is Tera ?, the No.1 2015 f2p mmorpg, remember ?

  9. Hello February 7, 2016 at 10:17 AM -

    I tried playing tera and its shit. You can’t even move as you attack when you play with archer I mean wtF??? not to mention to super boring tutorial with no fucking story or anything. And bns is so much better than tera

  10. Writer February 15, 2016 at 10:58 AM -

    We are working on a new profile for ArcheAge. Thank you for noticing it, taliesinceawlin!

  11. halalbilalbitterbal March 4, 2016 at 9:21 AM -

    Hahaha, BnS better than tera, Hello?
    You’re an idiot mate, BnS is a flop game with choppy “dynamic action combat”.
    Not to mention the stupid “spend ingame currency to roll (bid) on loot drops”.
    gtf out of here.

  12. arnis March 31, 2016 at 11:16 AM -

    1st must be blade & soul….

  13. lollol April 2, 2016 at 5:51 AM - were bribed by echo of soul or what? how come that piece of shit is on 1st place and blade and soul on 4th

  14. maeglon April 3, 2016 at 1:07 AM -

    Echo of Soul at first place? Really? What will happen next month Knight online, metin 2, mu online? That game is a century old to be a mmorpg even though it is new. Chessy game.

  15. mondobogus April 7, 2016 at 4:46 AM -

    To this day I am still trying to find a better F2P game than Aion. Having tried all of the games in this list (other than B&S and Skyforge), I can tell ya these must’ve been pulled from a hat. I mean Neverwinter? Seriously that’s just another “Perfect World International” redone. I tried that one…SIX YEARS AGO!

    The only 1/2 way decent game I see here is Tera, and even that was meh.

    Path of Exil is a redone Diablo 2. The skill tree seems very complex, until you start actually creating new characters. Then you start to realize it is WAY more limited than it looks. So the game is OK for a while, but gets lame after a bit.

  16. nebanesc April 16, 2016 at 5:20 PM -

    I am very pleased with ‘Dragona’. Simple game with good graphic and music.

  17. haha3242 May 2, 2016 at 11:23 AM -

    where the heck swtor, they maybe not the top one but it still a solid mmo.

    and what the heck is hex? wtf f2p how much money they give you this time?

    do ou even play that shit? that game is total mess

  18. Project May 2, 2016 at 1:43 PM -

    1st must be Tera

  19. Foxnstuff May 4, 2016 at 3:00 AM -

    What the fuck is this shit? Fuck off f2p, stop sucking cock from game companies

  20. Fredrick Lemmon May 12, 2016 at 7:49 PM -

    Uh, Hex isn’t a mmorpg.

  21. bry May 13, 2016 at 3:12 AM -

    blade and soul #2? Perfect World #4? Lol how much were you guys paid for this?

  22. Raiden May 13, 2016 at 7:18 AM -

    It’s, Fredrick. From the official site:

    “HEX combines the amazing community and roleplaying aspects of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMO) with the compelling collectible and strategic gameplay of a Trading Card Game (TCG)”

  23. Zellysha May 21, 2016 at 3:20 PM -

    This website has zero consistency. MMOs that were #1 one month won’t even appear on next month’s list.
    Feels more like a randomized list rather than a well thought out one.

  24. Reyfer June 3, 2016 at 12:11 AM -

    Really? Trinium wars over BnS? I mean, really?

  25. zsarynika tschetter June 22, 2016 at 12:25 AM -

    Love TERA and Aion but after maxing out getting bored so I am maxing out each character type till I find something new. Blade and Soul, meh same engine as Tera and initially was good but upgrading weapons blows monkeys! so that has gone byebye. Neverwinter? – Barfs!. Like to try Black Desert Online – was advertised as F2P – and is not, so is on the waiting list form. But Tera is #1 for me even with the combat lag!

  26. Drago June 27, 2016 at 2:40 PM -

    I have to say looking at your lists, they looked rigged to me.

  27. Girithien June 27, 2016 at 7:04 PM -

    Tera could never be the #1, I mean yes everyone has their opinions, but Tera is being trumped by SOOOO MAAAAANY Games already, in aspects of mechanics and fluid combat and/or everything else.
    The best current MMORPGs aren’t even listed, this is all just a bunch of fantasy games ;-;.

    Btw, if there is no Path of Exile in this list, it’s invalid, because DUH majority over your shitty opinions on which game is the best.

  28. lol July 18, 2016 at 8:26 PM -

    obviously archeage paid to be #1 on this shitty list.

  29. Lucy July 19, 2016 at 10:45 PM -

    A piece of eritoduin unlike any other!

  30. Kraken July 22, 2016 at 3:31 AM -

    seems strange GW2 isn’t on this list

  31. vagrantdouglas July 28, 2016 at 11:24 AM -

    II know that a pretty old game, but i still would love to see Vindctus on steam, or a internacional version.
    Japan got 2 really good free to play MMO, Phantasy Satr online 2 and Dragon’s Dogma Online.

  32. DudeRandom August 11, 2016 at 10:40 PM -

    Im asking wth is neverwinter here and warframe not NW is so p2p after mod6 half stuff gone half nerfed cant even talk in most chat area types untill lvl15 and in wf u can get even best items without any money spent… Plz update list and ty for letting me know no.4 is f2p

  33. Writer August 12, 2016 at 8:47 AM -

    You’ll find Warframe in our specific TOP 10 free action shooters:

  34. Nikki August 31, 2016 at 11:21 PM -

    Is this the 2016 list? Are these people retarded?!?

  35. Someone September 12, 2016 at 2:21 PM -

    It wouldnt make any sense even if you reverse the list. Now it’s clear, this site is completely a big joke

  36. C September 16, 2016 at 6:51 PM -

    Neverwinter is shit – doesn’t belong on this list. Their much-lauded Foundry (user-made missions) is offline more than not and is out of date and effectively unsupported. The Gateway (browser based component to access Professions, mail, inventory, and the companion-oriented dice game, Sword Coast Adventures) is offline permanently as of today. The game has nearly as many bots as players. There is NO WAY Neverwinter belongs at #2, probably not even on the top 10.

  37. Nomad October 4, 2016 at 11:46 PM -

    Who ever makes up this list is freakin retarded

  38. Ade October 17, 2016 at 2:56 PM -


  39. Ade October 17, 2016 at 2:58 PM -

    This games suck hahaha be real just like SAO haha

  40. KGery December 30, 2016 at 10:25 AM -

    Haha relax guys these lists are just based on who pays the site more, they are definitely not real top lists XD

  41. Sachal January 4, 2017 at 3:24 AM -

    How did Fiesta Online make it for 2016? I remember playing it back in 2006…just doesn’t make sense.

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