Aura Kingdom FREE Ultimate XP Bundle Key Giveaway

Gamigo / Aeria Games publisher of Aura Kingdom collaboration with To celebrate the latest patch (84 - Valley of Ice), to bring you up to score you an Ultimate XP Bundle with lots of in-game items for Aura Kingdom. These codes only will work for the English Servers for Aura Kingdom, for other language here you have the links for the German, French and Spanish servers giveaway if not the codes don’t will work.
German Servers go to
French Servers
Spanish Servers
Free item on each code (the codes only works for the EN server;
• 10x XP Card (Non-tradable)
• 10xAdvanced XP card (Non-tradable)
• 10x Premium XP Card (Non-tradable)
• 10x Super XP Card (Non-tradable)
• 1x 24 Hour XP Crystal (Non-tradable)
• 1x Seven Days XP Crystal (Non-tradable)
• 10x Lucky Card (Non-tradable)
• 10x Advanced Lucky card (Non-tradable)
• 20x Quest XP Book (Non-tradable)
• 1x World Peace Organization VIP Guardian (1 Day) (Non-tradable)
• 1x Profession Guardian Sprite (1 Day)
• 1x Guardian Sprite of Gaia (1 Day)
• 10x Mastery Pass (Non-tradable)
• 10x Superior Mastery Pass (Non-tradable)
• 10x Premium Mastery Pass (Non-tradable)
• 10x Ultimate Mastery Pass (Non-tradable)

Step 1. Never miss a giveaway by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
And Follow us in Facebook Facebook
And Follow us in Instagram Instagram
And Follow us in Twitter Twitter
Step 2. Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button). You can only sign up once for this giveaway. If it's the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.
Step 3. Register or login to the game use this link Aura Kingdom.
Step 4. Redeem the Code on Aura Kingdom website when you are on the game on the free rewards.
NOTE: Unfortunately ad blockers may interfere with our site. If you have any issues claiming a key, please disable them and try again or add our website to the list of allowed websites.
Aura Kingdom is a free-to-play Anime MMORPG featuring strong PVE elements, a uniquely detailed world, and an engaging, well-crafted story. Aura Kingdom empowers players as Envoys of Gaia, gifted individuals that take the role of one of the fifteen classes.