Ankama releases Wakfu and Dofus new patches and Krosmaster Arena

Ankama prepares a really rich December for its players, and after releasing yesterday the 2.9 update for Dofus and the Krosmaster Arena, the first shared expansion for Dofus and Wakfu, is ready to launch the 1.9 update for Wakfu on December 18th.
Talking about Dofus, you will find a brand new Achievement System, new character customization options, new equipment, new titles, accessories and resource gathering system.
Krosmaster Arena Online is the first shared expansion between the 2 games, and introduces a brand new game-in-the-games; a strategy miniatures boardgame between players with ladders and tournaments hold on regular basis. The miniatures can be dropped or exchanged in both Dofus and Wakfu.
In Wakfu, from December 18th, players will enjoy the Kwismas Event and 4 new dungeons ready to be explored.
Source of Informations: Ankama press release.