Red 5 Studios is going to give $1 million in cash prizes among Firefall eSports tournaments

Red 5 Studios is going to support eSports giving away $1 million in cash prizes throughout 2013 in Firefall eSports tournaments. Red 5 has already taken competitive gaming a step further with the recent launch of the eSports Toolkit, combat refinements to create higher skill ceilings for all battleframes and the Firefall Mobile Gaming Unit tour rolling out in the United States this fall.

Red 5 is dedicated to supporting the future of eSports and we believe that creating a more compelling experience for participants and spectators will further the cause of competitive gaming”, said Morgan Romine, eSports Maven of Red 5 Studios. “The newly launched eSports Toolkit is just the tip of the iceburg. We will be supporting this initiative with our Mobile Gaming Unit this fall and providing a huge payout for elite competitive gamers in 2013”.

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