GodsWar Online presents a newt feature: the mount shifter
As more and more new mounts are added to the mythical Greek world of GodsWar Online, players may find there are too many to choose from.Changing mounts and spending time nurturing a new one until it has just the right stats takes too long and wastes a perfectly good mount. Why not simply change your mounts appearance instead of abandoning it and starting over? With the mount shifter, players can do exactly that.
Once you have a mount shifter and a mount you wish to transform, give them both to the Mount Feeder NPC to swap their appearances while retaining their stats. Handing over a Nemean Wolf mount and a Mount Shifter, African Lion gets you an African Lion with your old wolfs stats. Even better, you also get a Mount Shifter: Nemean Wolf, so you can change your mounts appearance back whenever you like. Since the transformation doesnt change your mounts stats, you end up with the best of both without all the hard work.