We are giving away 500 codes to get a Santa Hat in Brawl Busters

RockHippo with F2P.com, is celebrating a Santa Hat giveaway for Brawl Busters.

Name:  Brawl Busters - logo.jpgViews: 3505Size:  30.2 KB

To get your Santa Hat you only have to go here and click the “Redeem Prize” button. Then follow the simple instructions provided and the Santa Hat will appear in your in-game Locker, enjoy!

Click image for larger version. Name:	brawl busters 650x480 santa hat copia4.jpg Views:	482 Size:	124.4 KB ID:	12804

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2 Comments - "We are giving away 500 codes to get a Santa Hat in Brawl Busters"

  1. NoMoreFunn June 4, 2013 at 5:37 AM -


  2. manol June 19, 2013 at 3:35 PM -


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