We are giving away 2000 item packs for World of Tanks

World of Tanks giveaway

Wargaming.net with F2P.com is giving away 300 Gold, 1 premium day and a T2 Light Tank for World of Tanks.

This giveaway is only avaliable for a new accounts.
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You can use your invite code only once while creating your WoT account. Code is valid only for European and North American game servers. If you already have an account with World of Tanks, share your invite code with a friend!

Click image for larger version. Name:	photo-285.jpg Views:	461 Size:	121.6 KB ID:	12835

To Redeem your Coupon Code you only have to go here. Then click Create Account. When you are there enter your email, desired in-game name, and password into respective fields and click “Have an invite code?” and enter your invite code into the field. Click “Play for Free”. Now you should receive a confirming email from WoT Team. Click the link in the message to confirm your registration with World of Tanks

Finally install and run the game. Enjoy!

*You can use your invite code only once while creating your World of Tanks account. Not for sale.

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