Battlestar Galactica Online wallpapers
- What Do We Love About… Battlestar Galactica Online?
- We’re looking at Battlestar Galactica Online from Bigpoint this time round and asking the question “What Do We Love About...?”. It, as a free to play space shooter browser MMO the game has a fair bit of company in the genre, but what its rivals lack is a big franchise like BSG behind...
- Battlestar Galactica Online, First Look Gameplay With Commentary
- In Battlestar Galactica Online you play the role of either a Cylon soldier or member of the Colonial fleet, during a battle within deep space problems with the faster than light (FTL) drive has catapulted the two surviving fleets into unknown space where the war continues. The...
- Bigpoint has announced the incorporation the Allegorithmic Substance technology to the Battlestar Galactica Online
- Bigpoint has announced the incorporation the Allegorithmic Substance technology to the Battlestar Galactica Online Bigpoint and Allegorithmic, the leading firm in texturing technology, has announced that its browser-based title, Battlestar Galactica Online incorporates the Allegorithmic...