Disctrict 187 announces its launch date
CJ Games Global has announced the launch date of its anticipated MMOFPS District 187: Sin Streets. The game will be released on November 20, after months of betas and improvements. Also on November 12 will begin a test in which you can test, the 'Street Fight' system that will allow players to conquer territories of the city in which the game takes place.
“Street Fight is a weaponized tugwar, with teams competing in ranked matches and fighting for control of the city,” said Jon-Enée Merriex, Producer, CJ Games Global. “Street Fight is a key component to the identity of District 187, focused on the excitement of high level, team-oriented competition while rewarding players with quality prizes on a weekly basis. We’re excited to have this ready at launch as we start to venture out into the e-sports communities.”
Source of information: release press CJ Games Global